Charity: WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
Event: WWF Matches Donations Dollar for Dollar until Dec 3rd, 2019 – Zenan donates $10,000!
Zenan participated this year in WWF’s big fundraiser! This year WWF matched dollar for dollar any amount donated, so Zenan raised our yearly donation to $10,000!! That makes it a cool $20,000 for a charity that is devoted to saving animals around the world. WWF’s work has evolved from saving species and landscapes to addressing the larger global threats and forces that impact them. Recognizing that the problems facing our planet are increasingly more complex and urgent, we have refined the way in which we work around an ambitious new strategy.
LINK TO DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR DONATION ENDING DEC 3rd, 2019 Twitter: @WWFCanada Twitter: @WWF_At_Work Twitter: #CNTowerClimb Canadian Website: Learn about WWF conservation work here: Information on where WWF funds go:
* Please note that WWF-Canada is an accredited under the Imagine Canada Standards program.Zenan’s Role: Zenan has donated $6,000 to the WWF year over year and $10,000 This year.