In the long and illustrious history of whisky, there has never been a single definitive glass that the whisky world could call its own. Now, following in the tradition of Scottish innovation, the Glencairn glass has arrived. Combining the knowledge and expertise of some of the world’s leading innovators, the Glencairn glass’ roots lie in the traditional nosing and tasting glasses used by master blenders and connoisseurs around the world. The unique and stylish shape has been crafted with the eminent care to enhance the enjoyment of the single malts and aged blends. The tapering mouth allows an ease of drinking not associated with traditional nosing glasses, while capturing that all-important bouquet. The wide bowl allows the fullest appreciation of the whisky’s colour and the solid base is designed to be easy on the hand. The time and effect put into all this development was rewarded in 2006 when the Glencairn glass won The Queen’s Award for innovation.
The Glencairn Glass Categories
Whisky Facts And Information
The 5 Steps to Appreciating Scotch Whisky……
Is it light gold, bright copper or rich amber in colour?
Does it have a light, medium or full body?
Which aromas do you recognize when you nose your whisky – is it malty, smokey, fruity or chocolatey?
What characteristics do you notice on the palate – is it softly sweet, rich and fruity or peppery and spicy?
Does the flavour remain for a long time or does it disappear quickly?